I have to say that I have had a great week! Despite some rainy patches, we have had nice sunny, but slightly cooler days. We had opportunities to show hospitality to friends and family through surprise drop-ins, scheduled visits, sleep-overs & a baking date. I showed off my new town this week to two dear friends. I'm very proud of this quaint little corner of Wilmot Township. It is such a change from Hamilton, my home town of which I am also proud. There is truth to the saying that a change is as good as a rest. At some point or other, we are taught that there is great merit in being content with what we have in the location where we have it. Of course that is easier when you are in a great place in your life. It is another story when you are miles away from where you would like to be. Even still, although Kevin and I chose this place because we liked it, there are adjustments, drawbacks and details that need to be sorted out still. There are days when I feel isolated and resent that the Timmies is a 15 to 20 minute walk away, but not this week! This week, I got out, went into new shops, had conversations with new people and it was satisfying!
Partly why I am in such a good mood is because I had an awesome bake date with my sister-in-law. It is common to have more recurring chances to spend time with people over others. We both have a love for the good ol' days and, I dare say, a streak of Betty Crocker flowing through our veins. I will write more about our baking day featuring our "masterpieces" under the section In Her Footsteps later on. Suffice to say, it was such a comforting and natural feeling to be in a kitchen with my red polk-a-dot apron on, rolling pastry dough. I was nervous at the beginning because I had never tried this recipe and had never made pastry. Fortunately, neither had she. It's an elating feeling to try something new and for it to come up just as you had hoped. After some herbal tea and a nice chat, it was time for her to pick up the boys and I decided to go into town.
New Hamburg has there sidewalk sale this week. Shop owners display their cheapest items on a sidewalk stand. I must say some deals were better than others. All in all, between two days of shopping, I have done well. There was just something so relaxing about walking into town through a shady neighbourhood. I strolled past all the store fronts with all the time in the world to spend.
There are some tables that I stalked, weighing the costs and analyzing the greatness of the deals. I surveyed the books in the Upper Case Bookstore. It is a pity that the internet is slowly causing cozy little book stores to close their doors. I don't often buy my books online, but I do like to go where I can get a good price. I wonder if there is a way to balance deal finding and supporting your local merchants. Hmm... that is another topic all together. While I was in the store, I had in mind to spend a few hours in town and really make an afternoon of it. After all, I had freshly baked chicken pot pie and strawberry pie ready and waiting at home for dinner. Based on my friends synopsis, I decided that I wanted to read Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer. Deep down, I want to find myself in farm city. Up until now, I have always had a strict diet of city living, so I have had no exposure to the more traditional rural ways. I hope to change that. While I was browsing, I had it in mind to check out the kid's section. They had the book I was looking for: Anne of Green Gables. It's a Canadian classic and a treasured story from my childhood! It was the 100th Anniversary edition for $10 and I was having it!
I finished my shopping and decided to pick up a snack. Pop, that is sugary drinks, are without question my top dietary downfall. I was in a particularly self-satisfied mood, so I thought I would increase the unhealthy factor up a notch. I bought a snack-sized bag of BBQ chips. Please note, I NEVER eat chips, so there will be a blue moon rising tonight. I should also add that by the time I got home, I felt as crappy as the junk food I consumed. But back to the nicer scenario I am trying to paint.
Laden down with bags, I made a bee-line for the Nith River. I had a design for the highlight of my afternoon. I lugged one of the picnic tables under two trees where I could see both the dam and the little land mass in the middle of the river. I took out my snacks and flipped open one of my books. The bright summer sun made the water dazzle and sparkle. How could I not stretch out under a tall tree and read Anne of Green Gables by "shining waters"!
It was lovely. I felt such peace. I am in my element here in New Hamburg. In this area, regardless of what town we happen to be in, I love going out for drives and walks because the landscapes are natural beauties; rain or shine they refresh my soul. I'm under the umbrella of God's blessing. This is the season where God will give back the land destroyed by locusts. I have entered a season of joy and peace. I'm still unpacking, rearranging the house, and I need to obtain a job, but all in God's perfect timing. As He daily reveals more of His design for Kevin and I here, I am at complete rest being happy where I am.

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