Monday, August 27, 2012

Did you know that it's "My Husband is Awesome" day?!


I love blogs. Particularly blogs written by women. More so, blogs written by Christian women. Call me biased, I don't care, I love them. Ladies, if you have spare time to kill on the internet (I know you do because we all make time for it), check out some blogs. Don't know where to start? Just ask me! There are so many sisters in Christ out there who have the mission to encourage, teach, and lead by example when it comes to the roles of Wife and Momma. Today, I am linking up with Jessica Bowman from Bohemian Bowmans who is one of my new favourites. She and her family have moved up to B.C. from the States and I think we should give them a warm Canadian welcome. Even if some of us may live 4,050 km away! She has declared it "My Husband is Awesome Day" and has challenged wives to list the ways that their husband is...well...awesome! So here it goes!

  1. Kevin knows how much God loves him. That may seem like an odd place to start because most Christians know God loves them, but, truthfully, I rebut that not all necessarily have the scope of how much they are loved. The Holy Spirit has used Kevin to teach me many great things and to challenge old belief systems that are man-made, not God-inspired. Every day (sometimes more than once), Kevin will say, "Who is the one who Jesus loves?" That is my cue to say ME! He puts more emphasis on the Father's love for me than that of his own. Which leads me to the second thing...
  2. Kevin loves me. He expresses and demonstrates his love to me all the time. I sometimes whine that he doesn't say it enough. Or I might pout if he doesn't immediately respond when I tell him that I love him. That is insecurity talking; insecurity that is slowly fading, I am happy to say! Kevin is always building me up through his love.
  3. Kevin compliments me. I never knew my Mom's dad, so I cherish every story of Mr. James that I can get my ears near. Mom told me that after every meal, Grandpa would boast about my Grandma, "Florence, that was the best supper I ever had!" It was either the best chicken, best roast beef, best dessert, etc. Well Kevin is a compliment-boaster, too! "That is best chicken!" "These are my new favourite potatoes!" It goes beyond cooking, too. No matter what pair of pants or shirt I put on, he always says, "When did you get that? I have never seen that on you before." Even though he has. "Those are my new favourite pants on you!" "That is my new favourite top. Wear it as much as possible!" To someone like me, who has dealt with insecurities on my physique going back to early childhood, this means the world to me. To be found captivating does my feminine heart good (even when I am feeling fat and frumpy!). In everything and everywhere, Kevin is always declaring things his "new favourites." One to #4!
  4. Kevin knows how to stay positive. As I said before, Kevin loves to declare his "new favourites!" With each new restaurant we eat at, trail we explore, or bench we sit on, it is always "our new favourite place!" I love his ever-evolving enthusiasm. Now, is he positive 24/7? no... I can't fathom anyone being so, but maybe that is pessimistic of me. But even when Kevin has his slumps into the dumps, it is usually temporary. Give him a few minutes of silence, and he will come back to the topic or situation and recant what ever negative comment he has made. I am a naturally sarcastic person, so it is easy for me to be negative. Kevin leads by example and it encourages me to guard my thoughts and comments and search for the positive instead of celebrating the negative.
I have listed just four, but there are many many more! These are my favourites. These are some of my awesome husband's attributes that make me miss him while he is gone and giddy as a girl when he comes home.

Now it's your turn, ladies! Whether you are wives or widows, if you have an awesome husband, go on and give him some public credit! List a few things on your blog! Don't have a blog, add a comment to this post or on facebook or twitter. And most importantly, share them with the awesome husband in question!

Want to hear some other women boast of their husband? Click on the "My Husband is Awesome" header at the top of the post and it will link you back to the Bohemian Bowmans:My Husband is Awesome

Let's give thanks to the Lord for all of His blessings!

Also linked-up with....


  1. Sounds like you've got a great man!

    Elizabeth@Warrior Wives

    1. God has blessed me and so many other women. Thanks!

  2. I love this! My hubby is a complementer also, He always notices what I am wearing, and tells me I look good :)
    I think I found your blog on Marriage Mondays :)

    1. Glad to hear that your husband is, too. God knows our hearts and what we women need. What other blogs do you like to link-up with?

  3. aww, what a great way to build your man up!! I love that my husband is in it for the long haul, especially when things are tough and it would be much easier to quit.
    Looks like you have found a godly man, that is rare these days..what a lucky lady:)

    1. It's important to build those guys up, isn't it? Thanks for commenting :-)
